
Hello there, welcome to SugarPlusWax Professionals information portal.


SugarPlusWax Professional Educators are now available and being hosting classes here in the Atlanta area. You will be taught and trained by our Master Estheticians. We have over ten years of Sugaring experience and has performed this technique on thousands of clients. Ready to share our wealth of knowledge and experience, we will be hosting sugaring classes to teach you the techniques needed to perform quickly, effectively, efficiently and safely.

Through an advanced training course in sugaring, you’ll learn:

  • How to use the sugaring technique to perform hair removal in different areas of the body.

  • You will be practicing hair removal utilizing the sugaring technique on the provided model(s).

  • Gain exclusive knowledge and access to our sugaring paste and CBerry skin care product line.

Small class sizes and a lot of personal attentions.